I've started looking at <a href=http://www.ldeo.columbia.edu/res/pi/MB-System/">mb-system as a libary that can help me with the paralell CUBE project that I want to start. mb-system is an open souce project (which has apparently been around since the stone age) that performs IO on mulibeam and side-scan data. I'm hoping that I can build this, use it for data IO, and then hook it up to the CUBE research code to run my experiements.

Here are notes from my attempts to build mb-system:

The “stable” release is two years old, so I’m attempting to use the current beta release (5.1.1beta23). I had to emerge netcdf (sci-libs/netcdf-3.6.2) and GMT sci-geosciences/gmt. Turns out that I had trouble building mb-system against the older versions of GMT that were in Gentoo (4.0 and 4.1.1). I pulled the most recent version from the GMT website (4.3.1), built that in my $HOME/src directory and built mb-system against that. It built cleanly (albeit with many warnings). Here are the changes that I made in the “install_makefiles” file:

$ diff install_makefiles.orig install_makefiles
< $MBSYSTEM_HOME = "/usr/local/mbsystem";
< $OS = "DARWIN";
< $CC = "cc";
> $MBSYSTEM_HOME = "/home/jamesmh/src/mbsystem-5.1.1beta23";
> $OS = "LINUX";
> $CC = "gcc";
< $MOTIFINCDIR = "/sw/include";
< $MOTIFLIBS = "-L/sw/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lXm -lXt -lX11";
> $MOTIFINCDIR = "/usr/include/Xm";
> $MOTIFLIBS = "-L/usr/lib -L/usr/lib/X11 -lXm -lXt -lX11";
< $GMTLIBDIR = "/usr/local/gmt/lib";
< $GMTINCDIR = "/usr/local/gmt/include";
< $NETCDFLIBDIR = "/sw/lib";
< $NETCDFINCDIR = "/sw/include";
> #$GMTLIBDIR = "/usr/lib64/gmt-4.1.1";
> $GMTLIBDIR = "/home/jamesmh/src/GMT4.3.1/lib";
> #$GMTINCDIR = "/usr/include";
> $GMTINCDIR = "/home/jamesmh/src/GMT4.3.1/include";
> $NETCDFLIBDIR = "/usr/lib64";
> $NETCDFINCDIR = "/usr/include";
< $CFLAGS = "-g -I/usr/X11R6/include";
< $LFLAGS = "-Wl -lm -bind_at_load";
> $CFLAGS = "-g -I/usr/X11/include -DGMT4_1_2";
> $LFLAGS = "-Wl -lm";
< # Version:
> # Version:	

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10 October 2008


