Python Typology

Matthias Kramm

This is an example that could benefit from type checking

def make_announcement(emails):
    for addr in emails:


This sucks, because all of a sudden it sends a bunch of e-mails to ‘u’, ‘s’, ‘e’, etc.

The type annotation:

def make_announcement(emails: Iterable[Union[str, bytes]]) -> None:
    for addr in emails:

  • Sometimes you can’t put the annotations directly into the source code.
  • .pyi files
    • “header files”
    • .pyi is to .py what .h is to .c
    • We’ve been using this to annotate the entire Python standard library
    • def abort() -> None: ... ellipsis is real. Use that instead of the body of the function.
  • Annotations don’t change how Python works!
>>> make_announcement("foo") # Does *not* throw an error
  • You do need external tools
    • mypy is the defacto standard
    • pytype (speaker’s tool)
def f(x: int):
  return x
$ mypy
# Type error
  • pycharm will give you a yellow bar over the line that has an error
def avg(x: Iterable[float]):
  return sum(x)
def f(x: str):
  x = 42 note: In function "f": error: Incompatible types in assignment (expression has type "int", variable has type "str")
  • pytype tries very hard to work for Python code that was written without type annotations
def foo(i: int):
  m = []
  x = m[i]
  • Error cannot retrieve item out of list (empty?)

The Transition to Type Annotations: Part 1: Checking unannotated code

  • pytype allows you to run type-checking on Python code that’s completely unannotated. (So does mypy with caveats)
import sys
sys.foobar() error: "module" has no attribute "foobar
def f():
  return "foo" + 42
  • “file unsupported operand
import warnings
warnings.format working("out of foobar", filename="", lineno=42)

Catches unused mandatory params.

import math
  • Can’t do that. These are all examples of benefits of using type checking even if you don’t have annotations in your own code

  • You can automate the process of annotating.
  • Two step process
$ pytype -o file.pyi

No file.pyi contains the (inferred) types of

def get_label(self):
  • Assume that we don’t know the type of name. We just know that it’s something returned by the capitalize function.
  • Same is true when you infer the type for the argument
def dict_subset(d):
    return {key: d[key] for key in d.keys() if key.startswith(PREFIX)}
  • It knows that the result if from the keys method so it can infer that it’s a string
  • Sometimes the results depend on what modules you import
def f(i):
    array = [1, 2, 3]
    return array[i]
def miles_to_kilometers(m):
    return m * 1.6
  • Obviously it works with ints and floats, but we forgot about the complex type.

Future features

  • duck typing
def compute_height(pressure: SupportsFloats):
    return 10711.9 - float (pressure) * 10.57

class PressureSensor(object):
   def __float__(self):
  • Suppose we have two files and and imports
$ pytype
File "", line 1: Can't find module 'b'. 
  • More complicated tree/DAG
  • We’re working on automated dependency analysis (“Think gcc -M”)
  • import lab...
  • Shows graphs of dependency analysis
    • Entire Google codebase


  • Q: Motivating example unions Iterable and String etc. A: A string is actually an Iterable and pytype doesn’t actually catch this.
  • Q: These tools only do static analysis. Is there anything that does runtime? A: Yes, but everything I’ve seen requires a decorator, that says check the types of this function. Which is OK, because you need to touch the function anyways, and then people know that this is type checked.
  • Q: Have you done work on numpy/scipy, and being able to infer the shapes? Often these things run for a long time before finding error. A: At this point your not talking about types, you’re talking about values. Maybe… need to consider it.
  • Q: What are your thoughts on parametric polymorphism? Any type variable extraction?

HTTP Can Do That?!

A collection of bad ideas

Sumana Harihareswara @brainwane Changeset Consulting


  • HypeText Transfer Protocol (you know this, but I have a deep deep need to enumerate acronyms)
  • IETF RCF 7230
  • Crash course
    • Client (strange green head)
    • Server (ominous, cubical, PRISM server)
    • Request and Response
    • Message: start-line (version, method, status code), headers (content-length, content-type), body (picture of a chandelier)
  • Methods
    • GET (gimme)
    • POST (here you go)
    • Above are the Dave Matthews Band of verbs
      • They’re great and all, but maybe you can explore your horizons a bit farther
    • Bad idea: write an API that only does POST but not GET
    • CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete)
    • There are methods for all of this
    • DELETE is an under appreciated method to delete a resource
      • HTTP 204 is “yup file is deleted”
      • Is this a good idea? Kind of maybe
      • Use proper auth, and keep it in a walled garden
    • PUT
      • Wait, I though POST was that?
      • Usually we use POST for create a new set of data for this thing.
      • PUT /cards/5 means “Put this picture at /cards/5”
      • POST /cards/5 means, “Hey webapp, this picture kind of relates to /cards/5, but you figure out how
    • PATCH
      • Update the content on the server somehow
      • Ask what verbs the client can use
    • HEAD
      • Like GET, but just gets the metadata
      • Don’t get the body
      • Often you only need…
        • Does this resource exist?
        • Do I have permission to GET it?
        • How long is it, what’s the content type?
  • Headers
    • Content-types
      • text/*
      • application/*
      • chemical/* Really?
    • ETag
    • If-Match
    • If-None-Match
    • If-Modified-Since
    • Last-Modified
    • You could do conditional GET; you can be a data vegan by living lightly on the earth and only getting data that is so big.
    • An unpopular header: From (the e-mail address of the person making the request)
      • Uses: Really bad auth
      • “Yes, I saw your site launch”
      • Coded messages meant for network surveillor
    • Popular/required header
      • Host
$ netcat myhostname.tld 80
GET / adsadfadf

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31 May 2016


