PyCon 2018 - Day 3
Lightnight talks
- Prompt_toolkit 2.0, dbcli
Setting expectations for Open Source participation
Brett Cannon
Video is here.
- Dev lead for the Python extension of Visual Studio Code
- Python core dev (since April 2003)
- Contributor to over 80 OSS projects (most of those are fixing typos)
I have lived corporate OS and community OS
- What is the purpose of an OS project/community?
- To collaborate on the maintenance of a project
- To have fun
- We want to keep the project going
- But we also want enjoy it
- How to sustain?
- Attract new people
- Retain current people
- There’s always attrition
- boredom
- death
- Tricky balancing act
What’s the goal?
- Set reasonable expectations so that OS works for everyone
- many people are volunteers
- Not always succeeding
- Cory Benfield
- “I think working in OSS has made me more bitter and short-tempered”
- Maintainer of the
library - Sad that we have to worry about his spouse asking him: “Quit doing Open Source. It’s making you a terrible person.”
- Cory Benfield
- I had to take a month off in 2016 due to burnout
- People tend to forget 2 things
- Everything in Open Source has a cost
- There is still time, effort, and emotional output
- If you send me a PR, you are asking me to take time away from my wife and family
- I only have so much time on this planet and I try to use it wisely
- Everything in Open Source has a cost
- Open source should be a series of unsolicited kindnesses
- It’s like people giving you “gifts” that you didn’t necessarily ask for
- No one would feel like they are being abused or misunderstood
- Meet Stuart and Brett
- Using Open Source
- Brett -> Stuart
- Someone leaving out pamphlets you find offensive
- Providing feedback
- Stuart -> Brett
- can be like a family member telling you, “you’re stupid”
- Upvoted on HN: I like Python… but… this is stupid, that’s dumb,
- That’s my fault
- That’s my friends fault
- That doesn’t make sense
- “Hey, I said I liked it
- Call a feature stupid, you’re calling me stupid
- The Internet isn’t written in pencil, it’s written in ink
- If you don’t understand why it’s written that way, come to python-dev and ask!
- You can still have a critical question, without being mean about it
- Submitting a contribution
- Stuart -> Brett
- It can be like someone who tries to give you a puppy you didn’t want
- Like someone saying, “I’m fixing your mess”
- I’m taking on the responsibility of that puppy pooping and walking for the next 10 years
- There are over 7 million of us.
- Am I going to make millions of books printed on dead trees obsolete
- Here’s a PR because something is really broken. That’s really negative.
- Contribution feedback/Acceptance
- It can be like someone saying, “you’re doing it wrong” or reacting with “why don’t you love me?!?”
- I can’t do this; I don’t want to breaking people’s code
- I’m mad at you because you’re preventing me from contributing
- Maintaining
- It can be like arguing with your siblings about politics
- I’ve almost gone to tears, arguing with another core dev at PyCon
- Sounds like I’m biased towards maintainers
- Scale problem; it’s very easy for a 10th of the community to overwealm maintainers in negativity
- Kindness does not require anything in return
- When you send me that PR, I may have to say no for a number of reasons
- If I can’t take it, I’m sorry, but it’s not personal
- If I ask you for changes and you can’t do it, that’s fine.
- It’s not a bargain
- How should we act towards each other
- Open (to people doing kindness for us)
- Considerate
- Respectful
- Turns out that this is the PSF code of conduct
- “Three-way handshake of kindness”
- How should we communicate
- Assume you are asking me a favour
- “Review my PR right now, damnit!”
- Assume your boss will read what you say
- I pay attention to what company people work for
- And I have a very good memory
- Assume your family will read what you say
- Assume you are asking me a favour
- Pay for OS with kindness
- Otherwise it leads to burnout
- We have an amazing community that is know for being respectful and kind
- I can’t imagine what it’s like in any other OS community
Type-checked Python in the Real World
- carljm
- officially old
Video is here.
Why type
- I’ve been using Python for years. Why do I care?
def process(self, items)
- What is items?
- duck typing
- a collection
- it has stuff
- Code is written once, but maintained in a long time
- The contract that we just described, I have to read through everything, line-by-line
- How do I know that I’m conforming to this contract everywhere
- Maybe I need to add some functionality
- How do I know that I’m complying everywhere in my code base?
With type annotation, all ambiguity goes away
- People have been putting the same information into docs for years
- But at somepoint, someone will update the function signature and not the docstring
- worse than useless
- “That’s cool, but I don’t need it; I’d catch it with a test!” ~Pythonista
- Riiiiiiight. I love tests! But…
- You don’t need to test things that are impossible and you make things impossible with types
How to even type
def squary(x: int) -> int:
return x**2
Let’s type this!
$ pip install mypy
mypy is the most commonly used type checker, maintained at Dropbox
- Type inference
- We’ve described types of inputs
- it can infer types of assignments
- it can infer the types of lists/containers
- Annotate your function signatures
- Annotate variables that your type checker tells you to
- There is a Union or Optional type
- But, that delegates stuff to the code which should go to the type checker
- We can use the @overload decorator to have multiple return values
- Generic functions
- Define a type variable
from typing import AnyStr
- Where’s my duck?
- I want to call
and have it work - We could use “Object” or “AnyType”
- I want to call
from typing_extensions import Protocol
class Renderable(Protocol)
- We found a duck!
- Structural sub-typing vs nominal sub-typing
- Strict static typing is great for most producation code.
- But there are many times when you want to ,,,
- Escape Hatch #1
. Not great, but better than failing
- Escape Hatch #2
- “Normally it returns
”, but you can tell the type checker that in this case it returns something else
- “Normally it returns
- Escape Hatch #3
- Ignore
- mypy can’t handle a decorator of a decorator (move on with your life)
- #4
- “Escape hatch on an industrial scale”
- stub (pypi) files
- We have lots of C files for optimizations at Instagram
- If we put a .so file, its usually because we use them a lot
- the
file can be checked by the type checker
Gradual typing
- Typecheck your program, even though not all expressions are typed
- Errors everywhere, when we introduce a type checking system when there was no typing
- Simple rule: Only functions with type annotations are checked
- Don’t even look inside the body
- We can introduce type annotions where we are prepared to deal with the consequenses
- Network effect
- Start with the most used modules, that where you’ll get the most benefit
- Use CI
- Once you’ve gotten rid of type errors, you want to make sure that no one adds type error afterward
- mypy has good options for that
- don’t allow any Any types in this module from now on
- Last thing
- painful if you come back to code later
- yeah… you have to deal with that when you come back to do type annotations
- Our CTO was the first person to dive into type annotations
- Came back 2 weeks later and said “I’m done”
- Let’s write a tool…
$ pip install monkeytype # of course
$ monkeytype run
$ monkeytype setup some.module
Shows exactly what types it thinks should be done
$ monkeytype apply
The future
- 3.7: no more ugly string forward references
- Fewer imports from typing module:
- PEP 561
- Type-checked Python is here and it works
- We prevent landing-diffs if they have type-erros
- It catches bugs and developers love it
- With
, you can annotate large legacy codebases - Early days, far from perfect bug good engough
It will get better
- Pyre: we have swtiched to that. Written at FB. 5 minutes -> 45 seconds
The Rabbit and the Hare: Getting the most about RabbitMQ
Wouldn’t recommend watching this talk but here is the video anyway.
- What is it?
- Message Broker
- What’s that?
- A server that receives messages from parts of a distributed system
- Like AWS SQS or Google …
- Written in Erlang in 2007
- 3500 deployments
- Most popular OS message broker
- Producers and consumers
- senders and receivers
- Queue
- objects that live on the RabbitMQ broker
- Properties
- Name
- Durable (will persist if the broker restarts)
- Exclusive
- Auto-deleting (will be destroyed once the last consumer disconnects)
- Optional
- Exchanges
- Objects that accept messages and then route them
- Producers do not directly send messages to queues
- Exchanges can have properties too
- Types
- Direct
- Reads message, finds binding, and routes message
- Multiple keys can be bound to multiple queues
- Topic
- Wildcards, exactly one word, words are separated by periods
- Routing key “foo.#” (routed to queue A)
- Key “#.baz” (routed to queue B)
- foo.*.baz (routed to queue C)
- Fanout
- Routes any message to all queues that it is bound to
- Like multi-cast routing
- Can be replicated with topic by setting all binding keys to “#”
- Direct
- Bindings
- Connects an exchanges to a queue
- Has more metadata like a binding key *
How to interact from Python
- Communicate with AMQP (Advanced Message Queue Protocol)
- librabbitmq
- py-amqp
- pika
- kombu
The main place where you’ll see RabbitMQ in the Python ecosystem
- What is it?
- A vegetable. Great with PB and raisins.
- Run functions on remote servers.
- Basic building block is a task
- Wrap a function with “@app.task”
- celery will pass instructions to the exchange/queue
- A celery working will retrieve the function and pass it to a worker
- “.delay()” function means go out to a worker
Case Study
- Problem
- Time intensive computations occur nightly
- System performance degrades during this time
- Use two queues?
- Long tasks and short tasks?
Big-O: How code slows as data grows
Net Batchelder
- Two mindsets
- CS: Math, abstract
- SE: Pragmatic, does it work?
- Some crossover (not much)
- Big-O!
- How your code slows as data grows
- Not the same as running time
- The trend over time (as the data gets larger)
- 10x data -> ??x time
- 10x? Not true!
- Mathy… but doesn’t have to be
- O(blah blah N blah)
- N: how much data
- O = “Order of”
- It is not (really) a function… (well, it kind of is)
Counting beans
- O(N)
- N doubles, the time doubles
for x in my_list
- Well if you get beans with labels on them, you don’t need to count them
- O(1)
- Weird mathmmetitions way of saying that N isn’t involved
Finding words
- Novel
- O(N)?
- Encyclopedia
- Ordered
- O(log N)
- How you organize the data affects your run time
Other terms
- O(1): constant time
- O(N): linear time
- O(n**2): quadratic time
- Big-O:
- complexity
- asymptotic complexity
Deteriming Big-O
- Identify your code
- Seems silly, but in a large system you need to consider all the callers
- Identify N
- What are you measuring?
- Lenght of string? Database entries?
- Count the steps in a typical run
- Keep the most significant part
- As N gets higher and higher, the lower terms get less and less significant
Ideal: O(1)
Python complexities
If you have a program that’s really slow? Look to see if you are regularly looking for a value in a list.
Advanced: Amortization
- Long-term averaging
- Operations can take different times
Advanced: Worst case
- Typical case vs. worst case
- Dicts also
- Hash randomization
Code Sprints
- Bandit: a Python static analysis security tool
- Zulip: open-source Slack-like chat.
- Certbot: EFF supported program for getting certificats from Let’s Encrypt
- PyPI/Warehouse: PyPI has undergone huge improvements in the last couple of years
- virtualenv-wrapper
- pipenv
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