Kris Holderied came up with a great idea of using the ROMS model to compare and evaluate strategies for sampling sound speed (and oceanographic variables that affect sound speed). It would look something like run the mode on a particular area and then compare the results that we would get by:

  1. taking a cast in one spot over time (temporal variability)
  2. deploying n casts at one time (spatial variability) or
  3. running transects on a changing system and (integrated variability).

I spoke with Lyon Lanerolle and he seemed to think that it would be feasible. We would have to work in an area where ROMS works, is trusted and is validated. Cheasapeak Bay is one candidate. Apparently they're working on getting the model to work for Cook Inlet, which would allow us to compare against the data which was taken over Hydropolooza (that would be fantastic). Lyon also said that we can get conductivity and temperature out of the model which is what we want.

We need to keep an eye on hydro9 as a target for this project.

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04 December 2008


