My rss reader doesn’t seem to be picking up feed now that I’ve moved the worklog over to a real web server. Maybe the web server needs to do something in particular with the content-type?

Update: that was silly... I just had a spurious quotation mark in a variable that crept into the XML. I caught that error early on, but then my nb --publish command wasn't updating (recursive copy, copied the director and not the contents. So I wasn't seeing my fixed version of the rss. Everything is all good now, though!

Speaking of the --publish command, I'm starting to like nanoblogger more and more. It's super lightweight, command-line driven, and still very slick. When I finally decided to put my worklog online, all I had to do was define a publish command:

BLOG_PUBLISH_CMD="rsync -avz /home/jamesmh/blog/ spinach:www/"
in the blog.conf file and then I can just do a:
nb -P
and then rsync does all the work of figuring out what files have changed and only uploading the differences (compressed at that). It's very slick and super easy to publish. In my opinion, nanoblogger beats twitter any day, because it's both lightweight, but easy to write substantive things (not just a couple of weak sentences).

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12 December 2008


